Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Images of Lanai

Take him away, take her away!

Child-free parents kicking up their heels as the passenger ferry to Lanai departs Maui's historic whaling port of Lahaina.

Lanai by sea.

Ferry entering the harbor.

Lanai City, the island's only town. Located inland at the cooler elevation of 1600'.

A charming example of plantation-style architecture nestled among Norfolk Island Pines.

Above: The Lanai City Cemetery. A loved one's grave, marked with a fishing pole and the bell that indicates a fish on the line.

Night falls on pasture near the Lodge at Kolele.

The Munro Trail, crosses the ridge-line of the central mountain range, highest point 3,370'.

The coast is marked by fishing camps, such as this one here along "Shipwreck Beach".

Right: "Home Sweet Home" says the wind-chime at another tidy beach fishing camp, now tramped by tourists, like me.

Lanai....a unique place, undergoing a sea-change.

Cliffs along Lanai's south coast.


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